Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Hey there clashers with 2012 right around the corner I thought id take a look at those special panels that made 2011 a great year for comic fans. Up, up, and away we go.
11.Casey Jones dawning his mask for the time in the series: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- I don’t know about you guys but that was one of those moments that hit with a dash of awesome with a pinch of nostalgia. Any fan of the franchise following this series knows they were itching to see that since he was introduced as Casey Jones. Any comic fan that likes costumed characters knows that the moment you see that character in that iconic costume is a big deal.
10.Logan sending Matt Murdock to sue the Hellfire clubs’ Black King: Wolverine and the X-Men- I know doesn’t seem like a big deal but hear me out. First off the little brat has been a thon in the X-Men’s side for quite a while being a large element leading to Schism providing the ’Super’ Sentinel that attacked Utopia. Then doing all he could to destroy the Jean Grey school he’s lucky he wasn’t dealing with old Logan who would have gutted the twerp without a second thought. But the new sensible Logan sent one of the most iconic lawyers in the Marvel universe after him, the only other acceptable alternative would have been sending She-Hulk but I believe the subtlety of Matt played out very well.
9.Aunt May pulling a revolver on Electro in Death of Spiderman- Before the DOSM series, I didn’t really read Ultimate Spiderman all like that; so I’m used to seeing Aunt May as a frail little old lady that the last thing I would have expected to see is her pulling this big old gun out of her glove compartment and busting a cap in a highly powered super villain. I was astounded I applaud Mrs. Parker for her courage and homage to Dirty Harry.
8.The Hulk punching a hulked out boar so hard he traveled from the Earth’s core through the ocean floor and landed on an icy tundra: Incredible Hulk: Well that was quite a bit to type but I had to have this on my list. You see since being separated from Banner Hulk doesn’t really seem angry any more so some readers might say he doesn’t have it in him anymore. Some may go as far as saying he went soft but in moments like that he reminds us all ’hey I may have found inner peace but I’m still the Hulk and Hulk is still the strongest there is.’
7.Nick Fury and his hulked out Avengers team up with the Ultimates to stop super powered anarchy in Asia : Avengers Vs. New Ultimates- Seems like just a clean up scene but seeing as the scene before had them pitted against each other I rather enjoyed it. That surprise team-up element gets me every time and the hulked out aspect helped. Hulks smash on.
6.Thor frying Gregory Stark: Avengers Vs. New Ultimates- Call it a dark sense of humor but I found it hilarious and the way Thor answers to Tony when he freaks….Priceless. After everything Gregory did selling super powers on the black market pitting Danvers and Fury against each other an causing worldwide panic lets just say karma is a cruel mistress. Thor I raise my glass to thee.
5. Miles Morales receiving his new costume from SHIELD: Ultimate Comics Presents All New Spiderman-As I mentioned back at number 11 the first glimpse at that costume is a big deal. Even more so when the character receives said costume as a right of passage. To me this moment symbolizes Mr. Morales truly being accepted into the Marvel universe. That being said I salute you Miles, wear that costume with pride and make us proud.
4.Spidey combining his spider-sense with his kung fu training: Spider-Island- after losing his spider sense Pete sought kung fu training to bridge the gap but after getting it back during Spider-Island it just made him that much better. It was like he was unstoppable 3 steps ahead of everyone it was like Bruce Lee in the Matrix. Well done Peter, well done.
3.Superman bum rushing Green Lantern: Justice League- I’m not sure but seeing teammates fight before they form a team gets me all giddy inside and I know I’m not the only one. Another thing that made this moment epic was the fact that it happened after a major ego trip from Hal. Most readers will say Mr. Jordan was quite arrogant in his first years and would probably join me as I tip my hat to Kal-El.
2.The arrival of Darkseid: Justice League- Just as first suit up is a monumental occasion so is the first appearance of a major villain especially one that’s been redesigned. Kind of came off like Michael Weston from Burn Notice with that comment. Any way his arrival took up the majority of a two page spread and with good reason. He is one of the Leagues greatest adversaries what better way to bring them together. His appearance has just paved the way for an epic story arc.
1.The return of Johnny Storm: Fantastic Four: Some readers may be angered that he’s back because they don’t like that comic characters rarely ever stay dead. Well those naysayers need not agree with me for I was ecstatic at Mr. Storm’s return. His ‘death’ was a big moment in comic history making his return that much more epic. The man has been through hell and back and is that much greater for it. Welcome back Johnny you have been missed.
Well that’s it folks its been a great year in comics and I’m glad I could share it with you until the new year this Hector signing off until next time friends. Keep Clashing
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Issue # 1-3
Written by Kevin Eastman
IDW Publishing
by Hector Ramirez
Cowabunga Clashers! Got a nice little treat for you guys I’m reviewing the first story arc of TMNT as well as revealing my new rating system. So strap in hold on and get ready to clash.

With that out of the way, let’s get on to the heroes in a half shell shall we. First, I would like to say I grew up on Ninja Turtles and I love them. They’re my four mutant older brothers. I’ve seen all the movies. I love the cartoons and the comics and the newest ongoing series is no exception. The return of Kevin Eastman to the title is definitely big news; bringing back that classic feel to the book. Collaborating with a new team also brings some fresh ideas keeping it from getting stale and overly familiar drawing in new readers.
The first 3 issues are a retelling of Splinter, and the turtles’ origin. The turtles and Splinter are test subjects for a mutagen being developed for a private military man by the name of, ready for it Krang. A team of ninjas breaks into the lab and steals the mutagen and inadvertently free the animals. The only witness the labs newest intern a young April O’Neil. A cat attempts to eat one of the turtles separating him from his brothers causing Splinter to rip out his eye and later for him to mutate into a new enemy. Splinter, Leonardo, Donatello, and my personal favorite, Michelangelo after full mutating retreat to the sewers as Raphael wanders the streets looking for food and shelter where he runs across a young Casey Jones getting beat by his drunken father. He saves him and in turn stays with him for a bit. And while patrolling one night they are attacked by the mutated cat, Old Hob and his gang just to be rescued by his brothers.
This story gets a Red Robin from me. It’s a good twist on things and yes the classic components are there and effective. At one point, Splinter mentions their mutation is in no way random or an accident and I want to see where they go with that. Ok, so there are two problems I have with these first three issues. First, why is it that every comic company has to have some type of super soldier program operating in the background? Can you think of any other reasons people or animals become heroes or villains? Another thing if they were being tested on with the mutagen the entire time they were in the lab, why did it take until that night to mutate when Old Hob mutated mere hours after being exposed to a secondary source of the mutagen? (Having Raphael in his mouth and Splinter’s claws in his eye) This new ongoing series is going to be enjoyable; I can tell with new characters and new twists on old characters and plot lines as it continues I’ll keep you posted.
Hector out for now, thanks to all my readers for following since my debut this will be my last review for the year and I will come back big in January. So, until then friends, keep clashing!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Starting off with Bocas named for its main character; who is a Punisher- type character with telekinesis of some sort trying to clear the streets of Bridgeton of scum. You know, mobsters and such. While he’s on his mission, there’s some guy named Vato killing in the name of a demon lord named Cabala. Bocas is also being hunted by the son of one of his former targets.
Next, we have Bridgeton Nights. Bocas is back and looking to recruit a partner. The test target?
Some psycho rapist killer whose last victim was his own mother.
Ok, you guys probably noticed I didn’t write that much about the plot and here’s why.
Both books were made of random events and newspaper articles while all related to each other. They had no real semblance of a plotline and the killings were very sick and brutal . While the art in Bridgeton nights was noticeably better, I can't say much more positive about either book. I mean, if you take each little event you could make a few good plotlines but he didn’t do that. So all I see is a failed attempt at a comic book series.
Sorry to Mr. Estrada and his cohorts or fans but that’s all I have to say. Until next time friends, keep clashing.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
#28 - GUYTRON: HOMECOMING - A One Title Chich`e Encyclopedia
by Hector Ramirez
Greetings clashers! It’s your friendly neighborhood reviewer, Hector here with a not so friendly review of Guytron: Homecoming; created, written, penciled, and inked by Raymond Leonard; colored by Virginie Menard; lettered by Ryan Leonard and edited and published by Michael McClain of M-studios.

We start with an alien invasion of epic proportions. The Hakillian Empire has sent out their Scandroids to destroy any resistance. After Commander Vicon of the Macron defense council is killed, Lycon, one of the final soldiers under his command, crash lands on Earth in his attempt to escape. Who should happen upon the crash site but our reluctant hero, Galvin Fry, on his way home from work. In his dying moments, Lycon passed on his Gadgetron, the source of his power, to Galvin. Upon receiving the Gadgetron, Galvin gets attacked by Scandroids and is rescued by Sable, an Earthbound Macronian bonded to action star, Brett Cruz. After explaining the Gadgetron to Galvin, Sable leaves a little too soon and the military comes for Galvin.
I'm going to start off saying this: I did enjoy the story to a certain extent it was suspenseful. The hero was relatable and I’m really interested in seeing how it goes. I encourage the team at M-studios to continue this story but I do have some criticism about it. First off, everything ends in “on” very cliché. And that’s not the only overused element in this comic. Starts off with an alien empire trying to take over the universe. Gee, never saw that before. It continues with a dying alien passing on his power to a relative nobody; where does he come up with this stuff. And finally the overzealous military sending out their top agent to acquire the alien technology; Nope, sure didn’t see that coming. Another thing that pissed me off is the 3 part story ended in a serious cliffhanger AND THE HERO NEVER DAWNS HIS ARMOR, smh. The dialogue was a bit forced; like he was trying too hard to make it seem believable……. and failed. If Mr. Leonard works on these things he’s got himself a fan.
That’s all for now until next time friends, keep clashing.
Greetings clashers! It’s your friendly neighborhood reviewer, Hector here with a not so friendly review of Guytron: Homecoming; created, written, penciled, and inked by Raymond Leonard; colored by Virginie Menard; lettered by Ryan Leonard and edited and published by Michael McClain of M-studios.

We start with an alien invasion of epic proportions. The Hakillian Empire has sent out their Scandroids to destroy any resistance. After Commander Vicon of the Macron defense council is killed, Lycon, one of the final soldiers under his command, crash lands on Earth in his attempt to escape. Who should happen upon the crash site but our reluctant hero, Galvin Fry, on his way home from work. In his dying moments, Lycon passed on his Gadgetron, the source of his power, to Galvin. Upon receiving the Gadgetron, Galvin gets attacked by Scandroids and is rescued by Sable, an Earthbound Macronian bonded to action star, Brett Cruz. After explaining the Gadgetron to Galvin, Sable leaves a little too soon and the military comes for Galvin.
I'm going to start off saying this: I did enjoy the story to a certain extent it was suspenseful. The hero was relatable and I’m really interested in seeing how it goes. I encourage the team at M-studios to continue this story but I do have some criticism about it. First off, everything ends in “on” very cliché. And that’s not the only overused element in this comic. Starts off with an alien empire trying to take over the universe. Gee, never saw that before. It continues with a dying alien passing on his power to a relative nobody; where does he come up with this stuff. And finally the overzealous military sending out their top agent to acquire the alien technology; Nope, sure didn’t see that coming. Another thing that pissed me off is the 3 part story ended in a serious cliffhanger AND THE HERO NEVER DAWNS HIS ARMOR, smh. The dialogue was a bit forced; like he was trying too hard to make it seem believable……. and failed. If Mr. Leonard works on these things he’s got himself a fan.
That’s all for now until next time friends, keep clashing.
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