by Hector Ramirez
Hello Clashers, your
friendly neighborhood Clasher here. It’s that time of the month where us
Clashers become crawlers swingers and slingers, of the wall and web variety
that is. It’s time for another 50 year anniversary celebration of the
spectacular, sensational, amazing and just recently fantastic, and avenging
SPIDERMAN. Now last month I took you all
into the future for a look at how Miguel O’Hara did things as the wall crawler.
Well this week we take a look at Ben Reilly and his reign as the web slinger. So
follow me through New York
as we take a look how Peter’s clone filled in for him.
To feel like his own man, Ben designed a new costume, which was a revamp (and in my opinion an improvement) on the classic red and blue costume. At this time Ben and Peter have been misled to believe that Ben was the real Peter under the orders of Norman Osborn. Because of the different costume the Daily Bugle ran a story claiming New York Had a new Spiderman but later dropped the story when given evidence to the contrary. Only a select few who knew Peter as Spiderman knew the truth. During that time Ben went through quite a bit, like being bonded with the Carnage symbiote for a short time.

Ben Reilly brings new characters from his travels into the world of Spiderman, making it that much more interesting. When he wore the webs, there was a fresh twist on Spidey while retaining all that made the title what it was. Well, that's all for now. Until next time friends, keep clashing.